
Friday, April 29, 2011


Using Games is believed to be one of the effective ways to make teaching learning process in a class alive. English, indeed, can build an attractive and fun atmosphere during teaching learning that students are likely to pay attention to the lesson taught through the games. Using games is one of the suitable tricks in teaching English too, therefore, many teachers try to download as many games as possible from the internet, they forget that such a way can decrease their own creativity since they will just rely on the internet. Another thing that teachers neglect is whether the games conducted can increaase students’ ability in the subject taught or not. As a matter of fact, sometimes games remain games only that students will forget what is the message behind it. So, it is better that the games played especillay in English subject can work as stimuli for students to speak.
Games on the internet are not always good sources. There are times when situations, conditions, and facilities at schools do not suit the games browsed. Hence, it is better that teachers can create their own games which are suitable for their students, moreover, they suit the local culture. The basic things of creating games are to make teachers show their own masterpiece and motivate students to be able to make games in English. Thus, we can see how English is really applied in real life.
As examples of the games, teachers can pick out games of Indonesian Independence Day. It is reasonable to have this since everyone is quite familiar with the games. By recalling how the games done teachers can create their own words to make the terms and conditions. The next stage, it will be students jobs to make the procedures of the games in Independence Day games and run it based on their own procedures. By having this, it won’t be teachers only who organize or lead the games but students can do it, too. These games can be done as part of teaching “Procedure Text”.

Chapter 1
1.1 General Background Leading to the Emergence of English
English as a compulsory subject in Indonesia taught since kindergarten or at least in the fourth grade is not successful enough to make people speak it. It is seen from the number of people who use and understand English. In the classes I teach for instance mostly there are three students only out of thirty who are able to speak English fluently, five students are passive, and the rest are just attend the class as their obligation of going to school. As a presenter of an English program, I also find that there are some guests on my show speak fast but not accurate enough. I argue that people mostly are not aware of the function of grammar during the process of learning the language, so that the way they speak can be concluded as the results of their learning process.
The problem in learning English in Indonesia as I experienced is in its delivery. The government packs English as knowledge rather than a means of communication that has goals to make people able to communicate. Mostly, students are able to speak English not because of what they have got from school, but from outside of schools. It shows that the exposure of English at schools is still less. What we get at schools is English knowledge that later it cannot be used as a strong weapon for people to bring in conversation. The knowledge remains knowledge that makes people good at writing but not speaking. Or I can also say that there are some material at schools do not suit what language learners need, such material should be taught after English learners have gotten their basic of speaking.
This condition surely makes teaching learning process in English boring. Thus, teachers are asked to deliver their teaching attractively. Then, teachers try to find some new methods for teaching improvement through the internet. They forget that their creativity will just rely on and be stuck to that.
Many websites on the internet expose teaching and learning that all we need is just downloading, and copy-pasting it. This case causes even worse effects which teachers will never be creative. Either way, not all websites on the internet suit the situations, conditions and facilities of schools. Shortly, there are some good ideas on the internet that cannot be done in our daily activities due to the limit of facilities even they are in contrast to Indonesian culture. Thus, use what are on the internet as references and motivators are needed rather than merely adopt it.
It is often stated in some literatures that teaching can be more fun with playing games. Charles and Jill (1990) argued that games can play an important part in the language learning process generally. When thinking about the teaching of writing, it is inportant to have a reason for writing , and they believe that games can provide a useful answer. He also added that games can also provide an audiences for the writer. David Paul (1989) suggested that language learning should not be separated from having fun, and having fun should not be separated from language learning. He also suggested that songs and games are preferable to what children like and the particular classroom situation in which teachers are teaching. I agree with this, I would say. But, still I argue that there are some other weaknesses of using games which students will just concern about the activities during the game but not on improving language through games, and it is not sure yet whether students comprehend and really use the language after the games.
Setting up our own games can make teachers make a lot of efforts to create some words in English. Indirectly they will sharpen their own brains. The goals of setting up the games of our own do not belong to teachers only. Since the goal of our teaching is to make students able to speak, later on students are required to be able to create their own games as well by using teachers as their role models.
As stimuli for students to be able to use English, teachers can use the games exist in their surroundings. Independence Day games can be good choices. They are games that always played during the Independence Day. They are varied such as Balap Karung (Sack Race), Panjat Pinang (Palm tree climbing), Balap Makan Krupuk (Crackers eating race), Mengambil koin pada semangka ( water melon money picking), Gendong rinjing (Bucket back holding race), etc.
There are a lot of games on Independence Day that all Indonesians know well. The steps of creating games for English teaching can start from here. First, we can list what should we do during the game accordingly, then the terms and conditions of playing it. This activity actually leads students to a creative writing in which students start making games by writing the steps of which, but before they start their own writing, teachers can show their own masterpiece as examples.

1.2 The Background of the Use of Independence Day Games for the Seventh Graders of SMPN 1 Kecamatan Jetis Ponorogo.
SMPN 1 kec Jetis Ponorogo is a Junior High School leading to the international standard school. It is located a little away from downtown for about 12 km to the south. Mostly, people there make a living through farming. And that is how students at SMPN 1 Kecamatan Jetis mostly raised up. However, the qualities of the students there are quite excellent in some ways compared to schools downtown. It can be seen from some achievements gained through some local and national level competitions, and it is chosen to be a school leading to an international standard school. Unfortunately, the achievements do not belong to English in which the students are quite passive in speaking. This problem come from the background of the students that they live at a remote place where it is hard for them to get good English courses where students downtown usually go to enhance their English.
For the seventh graders, in a class consists of 28 until 32 students, there are commonly only 3 until 5 students who are capable in comprehending spoken English, the rest are just passive and lack of knowledge. It can be drawn from the scores gotten in their daily tests for English. When it comes to the writing section, the nature of students in English is truly seen. Mostly, they lack of knowledge in using to be, auxiliary, and parts of speech. Students are likely to say: I’m study, do you can speak English, etc. Thus, it is reasonable that I bring up procedure text for them to begin writing since the procedure text for the seventh graders uses the basic of verbs, and generally discusses imperative in positive and negative forms. These aspects are not yet complicated for students with low proficiency. Moreover, based on the curriculum syllabi procedure text is taught at the first half of the second semester. So, the approach of using the Independence Day games as the stimuli to write procedure text creatively can be taken.
1.3 Purpose of the Writing Games
1.3.1 For teachers
Have Fun Go Mad with English is set up to make teachers aware of being creative in digging any potency available so that they will not only depend on the internet since internet can mislead them to become eternal users. Indeed teachers’ creativity in writing forms is an authentic proof of their professionalism.
Using what is around us helps us in teaching maximize nature and mind that teachers do not need to look too far just to be called modern. Writing development through local culture can be a proof that even simple things will work to enhance students’ ability.
Have Fun Go Mad with English also works to get connection between English knowledge and its use in daily communication for students. In writing process where revision takes many times will help students to maintain and bring up proper English so that they know that knowledge of English such as structure and grammar cannot be separated both in written or spoken forms. The games played work as media to deliver knowledge or material not just time to get students’ attention.
1.3.2 For students
Writing freely just like talking their head off makes students pour down as many ideas as possible on papers. This process shows that sometimes delivering their mind through writing is widely possible than speaking the ideas out right away. Once students accustomed to writing, the flow and ease of putting up ideas on paper will be smoother. Such a way is only a step ahead in making them bring up language into speaking.

Chapter 2
2.1. The Steps of Writing Independence Day Games as Procedure Text
The teaching of writing the procedures of the Independence Day games is as follows:
2.1.1 Teachers lead a game.
In practice, teachers use sack race, and crackers eating race. These games are promptly done without giving introductions of what goals of what they are going to do. It is aimed to make students totally involved with fun and have no burden that they should take some lesson during the games.
2. 1.2 Teachers show the original steps of the game played in written form.
After playing the games, teachers can show the steps of the game just played. They are shown as follows:
1. Sack Race (Balap Karung)
Material: Sacks
Procedure: 1. Get inside the sack
2. Be ready in the start line.
3. Run or jump with the sack after the count down (ready, get set, go).
4. Who get first at the finish line wins.
Terms and conditions: The losers have to put some powder on their faces, the winners get a reward (snacks etc).
The sketch shown is aimed to make students aware that to speak we need drafts in order to avoid missing words or wrong grammar. Drafting what we are going to say is a good step for the beginners as Brown and Hood (1998) suggested. Brown and Hood described the three main stages of the writing process as:
1. Preparing to write
2. Drafting
3. Revising
Some other literature strengthen the idea of revising, Brown and Hood (1989) for example stated that revising might take place many times while we are drafting or after we have finished a draft. In this phase teachers can check whether students have said what they wanted to say and whether they have said the words in a clear and appropriate way.
2. Crackers eating Race (balap makan krupuk)
Materials: strings, crackers
Procedures: 1. Hang the crackers on the strings.
2. Eat the crackers with the hands are hidden in the back.
3. Who can finish the crackers the first win the game.
Terms and conditions: The losers must dance, the winners get a reward.
The sketch shown can work as a role model for students as well. Students will be motivated to do as their teachers have done. The simple words will enable students to understand and feel the comfort of using vocabulary that familiar with them.
One more thing about playing games is about the rewards and punishments given. David Paul (1996) got an idea to reward the winners with some scores. Some other time, teachers can provide candies or snacks or gifts to reward the winninig students. The thing that teachers should mind is that rewards work well with some children, particularly young children, but it does have dangers. After a while, some children will not participate very enthusiastically unless they are going to get candies. So, teachers must take a prior when playing the games that what they really want is giving students stimulation from learning English, not bribes or rewards.
2.1.3 Explaining the structures and grammar used in the games.
As teachers show the steps of the games in written form, we need to elicit the patterns of the sentences and how grammar takes its toll there. It covers how to make imperative sentences in positive and negative forms, and they are the actual nature of the procedure text that is to ask someone to do things. The pattern and the grammar elicitation can be:

a. Positive imperative:
1. Use the basic verb to make command, for example: take the marbles, run to the finish line, open your mouth, etc.
2. Use “be” preceding the adjective. For example: be gentle, be calm, be careful.
b. Negative Imperative.
1. Precede the sentence with “don’t” then the basic verbs. For example: Don’t touch the crackers, don’t use your hands, don’t swallow the coins, etc.
2. Use “be” after “don’t” for the sentence consists of adjective.
For example: Don’t be too long, don’t be noisy, don’t be picky, etc.
2.1.4 Games making done by students.
After students get the basic of writing procedure text, then students shall pick out a game to be played by themselves. Then they list the steps of which. It can be done directly in English or written in Indonesian first then later translated into English as Brown and Susan (1998) wrote: “write them (the ideas) down very quickly. They don’t have to be inn English”.
2.1.5 Grammar Revision by teachers.
This step is as what has been mentioned in the main stages of the writing process. It is aimed to reinforce the connection between English knowledge and its application and daily life, it can be a kind of ongoing revision, since students might do it all over again. Teachers have to make students understand that they cannot leave the knowledge they have before in writing.
2.1.6 Be creative by modifying the games.
For the strong class or students the games making does not stop as the basic of procedure text only. Since the goal of the creative writing is to make students explore what is on their mind in written form it is suggested that students should modify the games by using their own terms and conditions, giving the opening and the closing so that it will be a casual language as the everyday use. The results of which are enclosed.
2.1.7 Games time.
Students play the games as they have sketched which are recorded. Teachers take role only as a supervisor or even they can play with students to make the atmosphere alive and contribute to a more positive learning environment. The games time can function as a phase of pleasure time after students work hard or in other words it can be a kind of reward after the hard work that students are waiting for. Here, students might not realize that while playing they have applied the language.
2.1.8 Reinforcement of grammar revision through the video watching
Again, to make students aware of the mistakes they made during the games, revision takes place just to ensure that students bring the language correctly as the draft. It is necessary to be done since it typically happens that the speaking will drop the proper grammar.
Evaluation indeed is not only done once. Andrew Wright (1997) mentioned that correcting is one way of trying to help someone to learn. In doing revision teachers will do some marking. For a big class that might not be able to be handled by teachers alone, teachers can ask group to work on each other’s writing what so called peer checking, underlining what they think is wrong and looking up spelling in dictionary.

Chapter 3
Have Fun Go Mad with English is actually a simple trick to make both teachers and students make efforts in creating a masterpiece. Mostly, teachers now misused technology development where they bluntly use what is on there without giving any touch. I believe good students come from good teachers too, so, we can see what students in the future will be by seeing the teachers who teach them meantime.
Teachers’ production in writing can be a good motivation for students to do the same. Shortly, if teachers want students to be able to write, they must be first able to write, too. It is time for teachers to be the creators not users only, upload and share their masterpiece for others.
As for students Have Fun Go mad with English really allow them to jot down what is on their mind with casual words as well as having fun and applying the knowledge of English in a real communication.


Brown, Kristine and Susan Hood. 1989. Writing Matters: Writing Skills and Stratagies for Students of English. Cambridge University Express

Halliwel, S. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman

Haldfied, Charles and Jill. 1990. Writing Games. Nelson

Paul, David. 1996. Songs and Games for Children. Macmillan Heinemann

Wright, Andrew. 1997. Creating Stories with Children.Oxford Univesity Press